8 Ways You Might Be Killing Your Home Wi-Fi
8 Ways You Might Be Killing Your Home Wi-Fi

Here are some tips to make sure the Wi-Fi in your home is battle-tested.
1. Don't put your router on the floor. Get your router off the ground at least 5-7 feet if possible. It’s kind of like a light bulb; when you turn it on you want it to shine as far as possible, not straight into the ground.
2. A lot of folks default to an upstairs office, but that’s usually located in a remote corner of the house. Even worse: the basement; that area makes it hard for the wireless signal to reach all areas of your home. Put your router in the center of the home, preferably on the first floor.
3. Don’t put your router here. You might as well throw half your signal out the window.
4. Avoid locations next to or behind your TV because media components like this can seriously affect your wireless performance. Also, stay away from enclosed consoles with heat producing appliances like a DVD player or game console. Those will also cut down your wireless signal.
5. Speaking of devices, steer clear of basic home appliances like cordless phones and microwaves that also can affect performance.
6. Don’t hide your router. Set it up out in the open, not tucked in a cabinet.
7. Got a fish tank? Wireless signals don’t pass well through water so keep it away from Nemo and Dory. They won’t be using it anyway.
8. Captain Obvious…figure out where in your house you use wireless most often and put the router within a clean line of sight to that room. A central location, off the ground and out in the open, is the ideal location, as seen here. Most signals bounce off walls.
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